At HealthPark Pediatrics we are dedicated to providing the most current, compassionate, and comprehensive medical care. Our board certified physicians have more than 125 years of combined experience caring for children and families in the Triangle. Our philosophy of care focuses on total wellness for children from the time they are born through age 21.
Real Experiences, From Real Patients
Stay up to date with the latest medical information, tips and tricks, as well as what is going on at HealthPark Pediatrics.
How to Care for Your Baby’s Umbilical Cord Stump
Welcoming a newborn is a magical experience, but with it comes the responsibility of addressing your baby's unique needs. One critical aspect of newborn care is proper umbilical cord care. This involves ensuring the umbilical cord stump is clean, dry, ...
Signs of Emotional Distress in Children: What Parents Should Know
Children, just like adults, experience emotional distress, but they often lack the ability to articulate their feelings. This can make it difficult for parents to recognize when their child is struggling emotionally. Mental health challenges can be triggered by a ...