screen time impacts toddlers
Understanding How Screen Time Impacts Toddlers

In today’s digital age, screens have become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones and tablets to television and computers, screens surround us. However, as adults, we can manage and moderate our screen time. The real challenge arises when it comes to toddlers, who are increasingly exposed to screens at an early age. […]

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navigate picky eaters during the holidays
6 Ways to Navigate Picky Eaters During the Holidays

Food and the holiday season go hand-in-hand. However, for parents of picky eaters, this time of year can be particularly challenging. Especially with younger children, learning how to navigate picky eaters during the holidays will make your lives as parents much easier. Hosting family gatherings, dinners, and holiday parties often requires extra consideration to ensure […]

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child healthy over the holidays
7 Ways to Keep Your Child Healthy Over the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy, festivities, and indulgence. As families come together to celebrate, it’s essential to prioritize the health and well-being of our little ones. Keeping your child healthy over the holidays is not always the easiest. With an abundance of tempting treats and a break from regular routines, maintaining a […]

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diabetes in children
5 Facts About Diabetes in Children

Childhood obesity in the U.S. is a highly prevalent issue. According to a 2020 study by the CDC, childhood obesity affects almost 20% of the child population. While certain types of diabetes are non-preventable, the obesity epidemic has increased diabetes in children. Many people do not associate diabetes with children, but the connection is certainly […]

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gifts for new moms
10 Holiday Gifts For New Moms

The holiday season is here! If you’re a new mom, you’ve just received the best gift of all…a beautiful baby. But it doesn’t have to end there. There are many options for holiday gifts for new moms. Throughout your pregnancy and postpartum, you’ve likely received a plethora of gifts for the new baby. While an […]

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holidays with a newborn
6 Tips for Celebrating the Holidays with a Newborn

Another year is coming to an end as the holidays approach. If 2022 was the year your family expanded, you’ve already faced many changes throughout pregnancy and as new parents. The holidays can be stressful enough without a new child in the mix. However, celebrating the holidays with a newborn are memories you’ll hold on […]

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children’s 2022 Halloween costumes
5 Most Popular Children’s 2022 Halloween Costumes

The fall season has officially arrived, which means the first stop on the holiday stretch is here: Halloween. Halloween is a special time for families, especially for the little ones! Each year the classic Halloween costumes remain, but many kids find inspiration from their current favorite characters or personalities.  The most popular children’s 2022 Halloween […]

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period talk
5 Tips for Having the Period Talk With Your Child

As parents, you’re faced with having tough and sometimes uncomfortable conversations with your children. Having the “period talk”  is an inevitable part of growing up. Discussing puberty and menstrual cycles doesn’t have to be an awkward conversation. When your child gets their first period, you’ll want them to feel confident and comfortable with their body […]

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childhood obesity
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness month. Childhood obesity is a very prevalent issue in this country; about one in five American children have obesity. This month provides an opportunity to raise awareness for this public health crisis while also sharing ways to promote a healthy lifestyle for children. According to a recent study conducted […]

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positive parental involvement in education
The Importance Of Positive Parental Involvement in Education

Having kids who excel in school is not always solely based on the children. Positive parental involvement in education has the power to keep your kids on track while also setting them up for success. With back-to-school season approaching, it’s important as parents to be aware of the role you should play in your child’s […]

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